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She Is Undefeated..(But Who Is She?)...

Whew chileeee, God has a funny way of getting me to do things that I had promised to do months ago! It is currently 1:00 AM & I woke up out my sleep because, baybee the spirit was not playing with me! Well, here we are! Part 1 actually, but anyhooo, how's everyone holding up during the Quarantine? This is crazy right? Continue to trust God. I've been seeing Faith over Facts A LOT..& that statement holds so much power! Okay, well here we are..before we I get started let me stress how I am totally writing this in an unedited format as if Im texting one of the girls..It'll flow better that way, its just how I operate. So, please read below 😊

She Is Undefeated..but who is she? One hell of a question right? She is a God Fearing Single Mother, CEO/Founder, Daughter, Friend, Divorcee & so much more. This organization means so much to me. I am some times extremely disappointed in myself at how hard I feel I am not going!! "Erica, seriously you need to do more, you need to go harder"..I tell myself this as I lay in the bed daily scrolling IG comments smh, why am I so easily distracted when this means the world to me? Don't get it twisted, there are times that I'm working so hard on this that I don't get "life" done. I haven't ate, showered, brushed, washed, anything..just completely focused on "She Is Undefeated".. Starting this organization has been a complete gift and a curse. There's so much I want to do..but with limited resources, but God is a way maker.. We'll save that for Part 2 😉 ....

Who is She? I am a 32 year Single mother & Divorcee.. I can not even begin to tell you how many jobs I've had in my life! "If I don't like something, I leave it".. Chileee, even my marriage :-/... If you're close to me, you've heard me say that phrase before. This is my only life and I am learning that each day we are here on earth, we should do what we love. We should not wake up living with regret. We should not dread where we are headed. Its not fair to us or the people who have to encounter our negative energy all day. Do what you love! Be with who you love! To hell with what people have to say. 10x's out of 10 they are hiding misery that they don't have the courage to share. I've always been an open book! Not sure why, but I'm just big on living in my truth. When people decide to love me, it brings me great pleasure to know that they are genuinely loving me...Crazy & All!!! Life is short, I've learned that with Khloe (you know her).. We have to thank God for each moment we have on earth.

My entire world.. Eva & Eli.. (An honest moment).. Parenting alone is terrible, I'll be the first to admit this. I run out of patience, money, ideas, food, did I say patience?? But I never run out of love. So there's Eva.. My first born, the love of my life. I do not play about Ms. Eva. She's just as strong as her mommy, probably even stronger. Eva grew up on the Autism spectrum, but God had other plans for her. Eva has always been shy, she does not like attention and she will only deal with who she loves. Ms. Eva does NOT hide her expressions well..(just like mommy). Growing up, she has overcome speech delay & is giving me more attitude than I can keep up with. Its just my maternal instinct to protect her from this cruel world. Our moments are special & she prefers that I keep them between us, so thats how we rocking. I get so often that I play favoritism between her and Eli..& it really doesn't bother me because I know the love I have for her and how shy she is, so hey..Let people think whatever chileee... But then there's Eli... You know, God really has a sense of humor. That boy is literally a boy version of me. Funny, a cry baby, charming, but definitely a sour patch. He keeps me on my toes! Raising boys...alone might I add, is hard!! (had to refrain from profanity).. I love them both dearly!! But back to ME ;-)

Well why this organization? I get that a lot & believe it or not some people don't think I can do.. & Sometimes I am "Some People".. but one of the things I struggle with is continuing to be who I am & not tarnish by brand. I am A LOT! Filter-less honey, which can really hurt everything I am trying to accomplish. I dont want my potty mouth or sarcasm to detour people from believing in me & believing in my brand. This is my purpose! God called for me to do this, and it will be done. I choose to remain myself & thats important to me. I want other young ladies to know that you can be yourself & still walk in God's purpose for you. I want to encourage young ladies to never allow others to place their fears unto you! Because that will happen..when people are scared to live in their truth, they will try to detour you from walking into yours! You have to pray for those people.

How hard is it trying to start a nonprofit & be a single mother, worker, friend, daughter, sister, etc...? Its hard!!! But I am encouraged! I am encouraged because God ALWAYS makes a way for me, EVERY TIME! When there's no support from those closest to me, when there's no donations, or volunteers.. I still have God! I am so strong because of him. Imagine enduring everything that should have broke you..& I do mean EVERYTHING! God heals my heart every time, God provides for me & my children EVERY TIME, God makes a way for me to do everything that I say for my organization, EVERY TIME. In every way, shape & form of "She Is Undefeated", God has made sure I am.

I am so excited for all that I have planned! This is not just the "Quarantine" talking.. I Refuse to Lose (come on Sarah Jakes). Now the next time I plan to blog like this... I can't promise that.. smh, but I am working to build a brand that will Educate, Uplift & Serve the Community. Thanks for reading, pleaseeee leave me feedback. If this means you have to register & subscribe to do that.... Than you do just that.!

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Mar 25, 2020

You are such an inspiration.....I know first hand about a lot of things that you’ve experienced but that the fact that you NEVER GAVE UP is what makes you so special. I just want to let you know no matter what to keep on pushing and doing God’s work.....I will forever support you.....Love u girl


Mar 25, 2020

Words cannot express the Joy you bring me. You make me so very proud of you every single day. Your heart is huge Erica. I invite you to hold on to your seat baby, because the blessings coming your way will be almost impossible to imagine. You were and still are truly my very first love❤️❤️



Ashley Jeanae
Ashley Jeanae
Mar 25, 2020

Absolutely love your transparency with this piece! I tell you all the time that you can stay true to who you are and the people that are meant support you still will support! Your realness and lack of a filter are what make you unique and what makes She is Undefeated unique! You are an inspiration to us all, please keep pushing through!


Chante Wheeler
Chante Wheeler
Mar 25, 2020

Oh my, I’ve only been up for about 30 minutes and this is the second thing I’ve seen this morning to bring tears to my eyes. And it’s not even a sad message, it’s touching. And it’s mostly touching because I have went thru most of what you spoke of with you. I am and have always been PROUD of you. I’ll never say that enough. I tell you, my family, my friends, even strangers who I just have a random conversation with and your nonprofit comes up. We’re exact opposite when it comes to you being and open book, and I never understood it (it’s not for me to understand) but I respect it. It’s you, it’s what you…

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