We are ready and eager to get a head start on our Back to School Supply Giveaway & Resource Event. Saturday, August 12th at Noon - we will be hosting a back to school event at Trumball Park in Chicago. Our goal for this event is to provide supplies to students and families that are preparing to return to school this fall.
During our back to school event, we will be providing supplies and everyday resources to families in the Chicagoland area. This will be a FREE community event and we are hoping for an amazing turnout. At this time, we are looking for sponsorships and partnerships to join us in helping making this event a success. We currently have 3 sponsorship packages that we are offering in efforts to help the raise the funds for this event.

Silver Sponsorship Package - $35
Business Listed in Back to School Program
Advertised as Silver Package Sponsor
2. Gold Sponsorship Package - $100
1/2 Page Advertisement in Program
Marketing Information Included in Over 500 Promotional Bags
Advertised as Gold Package Sponsor
3. Platinum Sponsorship Package
Full Page Advertisement in Program
Marketing information included in over 300 Bags
Listed as Platinum Sponsor on all event promotional marketing
Advertised as Platinum Sponsor on website
Table to Promote Business at Back to School Event

This free community event will have a host of fun options for kids and families. From free popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs.. Plus much more. Families will be able to take advantage of the onsite bouncy houses, face painters and games for ALL ages. During this family fun event, we will be distributing school supplies and guest will be able to hear about different resources from all of our vendor participates.
We are looking for all sponsorships and partnerships. If you are interested in helping us be a blessing to so many families in need in the community, please visit the "Contact Us" tab!